A bostoni születésű, jelenleg Pécsen alkotó Derek Virta csodás elektronikus hangképeiről mindenképp szólni kell. Kiforgatott, álmodozós, merengős, pszichedelikus pop-szerűség ez…
Derek Virta, once of Dreamend, has descended into an electronic dream. Well, mostly electronic. I can hear some guitar and possibly other analog inputs. The key word above is “dream”.
Chicago's BVRTH dishes out an instrumental that is all over the place, spiritual, spacey but with so much character it feels as if Air have returned to their 'Moon ...
“'Bluiett' is movie music without the movie,” says Derek Virta, the man behind BVRTH. “I was feeling a Battles / Adult vibe, but it took it's own form in an angular, ...